Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Everyone's Talking About Microwave Fudge

There has been a few videos and posts going around about microwave fudge, so about a week ago I decided to give it a go. I've tried fudge a few time and it never had the right consistency. This is the only recipe that I have found that works, and it's so easy I don't know why this hasn't come to light before.

  • Milk Chocolate chips (1 1/2 cups) 
  • White Chocolate chips (1 1/2 cups)
  • One can of sweetened condensed milk 
  • 1 9x9 pan 
  • Aluminum foil 

Like I said, easy. Most of the recipes out there use all milk chocolate chips, but with the condensed milk it makes it very VERY rich, so after four batches I finally found the perfect mix. One batch with these measurements fills a 9x9 pan perfectly. 



Mix the chocolate chips and ALL of the condensed milk in a bowl, and try not to snack. Pop it in the microwave for one minute and stir that bad boy up. 

Line the pan with aluminum foil and spray it with Pam. DO NOT skip this step or you will be picking foil off of the fudge once it cools. 
Pour the mix into the pan and stick it in the fridge for two hours. Once it's hard, flip it over and take the foil off, cut it into pieces and you're good to go! 

What did we learn from this? 
That fudge is awesome, and its even better when it's as easy as popping it in the microwave. 

Thanks for reading! 

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