Monday, November 2, 2015

Two Ten Minute One Stitch Projects

DIY 10 Minute Heating Pad

What you will need:

  • Fabric
  • Sewing Machine
  • Rice

These actually double as cold and hot pads. They hold heat a little better than cold, but they still work. I used charm squares for these, but you could use any size or shape you wanted!

These are charm squares. They're great for sewing projects because they are super cute and they come pre-coordinated and color matched! You can literally throw them together in any order and it will be cute no matter what. I use these for quilts, mug rugs, curling iron holders, EVERYTHING. Back to the heating pads. These come pre-cut on the outside with a pattern, so you don't have to worry about turning them inside out and doing anything too complicated. Just throw one continuous stitch around the outside, and leave a hole about an inch and a half wide on one side.

I fill my heating pads with rice, because they don't smell when you heat them up. I have seen some people use flax seed and corn, but when I experimented with them I did not notice a difference in how they held heat. Plus rice is the cheapest out of the three!! 

I filled it up a little over half way, so that I could still sew it together and so that it was still pretty flexible. 

After this, I sewed it close. I ran over the seams a few time so that after using it a few times no rice falls out! 

Now you're done! Microwave it for 30-45 seconds! I LOVE these! 

DIY 10 Minute T-Shirt Tote Bag

What you will need:
  • T - Shirt (or tank top)
  • Sewing Machine

I like these totes because they're durable enough to use, and if you use old t-shirts, you don't have to stress about getting them dirty! I use these for beach bags and keeping track of my library books!

I used a tank top for this one. But if you use a regular T-shirt, you will need to cut the sleeves off. Not too deep, but big enough to be comfortable handles! 

Next thing, cut the neck of the shirt for the top of the bag. I like mine pretty wide so that I can grab things out of it easily.

Turn the shirt inside out and decide how deep you want your bag. Then stitch the bottom of the shirt closed! I run the stitch over the ends a few times just to be safe! 

Once the stitch is done, trim the excess fabric leaving just a little bit left. 

Now turn the shirt right side out again and you're done! The best thing about making these bags is that they're MACHINE WASHABLE! So no worries if it gets filthy! 

Thanks for reading! Don't forget to follow, like, share and comment! 

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