Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Easy DIY Mason Jar Organizer

You can use mason jars for so many things. I already use them in my bathroom to hold my makeup brushes, and after seeing this organizer I thought it was perfect to make! This is what I ended up with in the end:

I am so happy with the end result! It was so easy to make! I have to be honest, I did outsource some of the work because I am not a drill kind of gal, but it was still fun to make! 

What you will need:
  • Wood - My piece was about 24 inches long
  • 4 hose clamps - you can find these in the plumbing section of home stores
  • Embellishments! 
  • 4 Mason jars

I painted my piece of wood instead of staining it, but this project would look just as good stained! I have seen it both ways and love it both! 

I looked at a few different ways to do this project and a few people said they made a hole in the metal and then again in the wood and then screwed it all together. I didn't have a drill at my disposal so I did have to out source this part of the project, but from what I saw its no easier than just screwing it all together at once. I did make sure that the screw to the clamps was on the front, I thought it added a nice look to it and you will also need to be able to tighten and loosen them to get the jars on and off! 

Use a flat head screw driver to tighten the clamps around the top of the jars so that they are very secure. 

After this put on the embellishments! I got mine from Michael's but I have seen many different variations of this project and they all look so cute! I just slapped them on with some hot glue.

That's it! I told you it was easy! To hang it I am going to use a picture hanging it on the back of the wood. You could also drill some holes on the ends and hang them by that. 

 I love this because you could literally use it for anything! I am going to make another one and use it for paint brushes and markers!! 

Thanks for reading! Don't forget to follow, like, share, and comment! 

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